How can I create an account with Taurus Legend?

Created by maishen maishen Oct 25, 2018 14:27:35 PM Published in Account 584 Views.

There are two ways to sign up on our website.

A. Sign up directly:

1) Click "Sign in" under "My Account" icon above search bar to open "Customer Login" page.
2) On the right column under "New Customer" click "CREATE AN ACCOUNT".
3) Complete your Personal Information and Sign-in Information on the form.
4) Login your account and complete details such as shipping address in your account.

B. Sign in with your facebook:

1) Click "Sign in" under "My Account" icon above search bar to open "Customer Login" page.
2) Find "Sign in with Facebook" button in the middle of the page and simply sign up with your Facebook account and password.
3) You will be redirected to your new account that is just created.
4) Complete details such as shipping address in your account.

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